About Katie

London based Artist, Katie McGowan, has found her voice with oil portraits and figurative studies that use a rich colour palette and thick, fluid brushstrokes to embody the feminine characteristics of her studies, in a technique she has named ‘Wavism.’

While her dynamic brushwork draws inspiration from Impressionism, Katie’s subject matter is profoundly focused on the female experience. Each piece resonates with subtle, yet powerful, messages about her emotions and those universally shared among women.

Katie’s mission is to pioneer Wavism as the first art movement led by women.

Her artwork has garnered recognition, with her work featured in Best of PhotoVogue and artist Sophie Tea's 'Brewing' exhibition, as well as the Salt & Stars exhibition at JM Gallery.


Initially inspired by life drawing sessions, where I used a pen with a slanted nib to create quick studies that had life and movement, all through small ‘waves’ of colour. My technique has since evolved to use the same forms whilst experimenting with different mediums. Whether using oil paint to create rich and textured pieces or oil pastel for quicker studies, I find it fascinating to explore the same shapes through the lens of different mediums.

My artistic influences are diverse, drawing from various art styles and the artists who have shaped them. I've always been drawn to the vibrant colors and visible brushstrokes of Impressionism, as well as the contemporary approach of artists like Elena Gual, who inspired me to explore oils and to create thicker, impasto works.


What was your initial inspiration of your work?

I think it developed over time, when I first started painting I just wanted to get used to the basics, like tone and colour mixing etc and so I did a lot of still lifes and life drawing. Once I’d worked on my drawing and painting skills a bit more I started experimenting with different ways to paint and looking at what subject matter I was drawn to and just went from there - it was quite an organic process!

Who was it that inspired you to start your creative/artistic journey?

I always loved art at school but didn’t study it at university, so when I graduated and moved to London I felt like I was missing that creativity. I decided to sign up to a 6 week painting course and was hooked! So I guess there wasn’t anything specific I just missed the chance to be creative

How has your practice changed over time?

When I started painting I was super meticulous about making sure the colours / form were 100% perfect and I wanted to create quite realistic pieces, so I’ve definitely become more free!

Where did your inspiration of Wavism come from?

The technique I have now started from ink sketches - I used chiseled nib pens in flesh tones to do life drawing studies in quick short strokes (or waves) which helped bring static poses to life. At the time I was focusing on life drawing studies to help develop my understanding of proportions. And from there I was experimenting with using a similar style in different mediums and tried using oil paint, and found I loved the texture and the vibrancy of the colour I'm able to create with it.

What is integral to your work as an Artist?

I think it’s important to be consistent and practise and a lot to stay motivated and improve, but also to make sure that you’re giving yourself some breathing space to be inspired by new things too.

What art do you most identify with?

I feel like impressionism - I’ve always loved it and I feel like my work is most similar to it in style.

What is it you love so much about creating your work?

I love the feeling of thinking of something in my head - whether its a compositon or a colour palette and then seeing that take form on the canvas! I also love the meditative feeling you get when painting - when you can just switch off and focus only on your paint and the canvas

Do you have a message that you would like to spread to women through your art?

I really want women to feel reminded of their truest most authentic selves from my art. The self that you are when you feel your most comfortable and confident

If you have a question you'd love to ask, please drop me an email hello@katiemcgowanart.co.uk!